DBB-06 Dialysis System
Types of therapy
- Â Acetate dialysis
- Â Bicarbonate dialysis
- Â Single-needle single pump (click-clac
- Â ISO-UF (sequential)
- Â UF, total and bicarbonate conductivity profiles
Standard features
- Â Single-needle single pump (click-clack)
- Â Dialyser inlet blood pressure monitoring
- Â Electric level adjustment in the extracorporeal chambers
- Â Serial data interface / connection for nurse call
- Â Integrated service mode for function analysis
- Â Clearly visible status display
-  Concentrate-, water- and energy-saving mode  Battery backup of extracorporeal circuit
Optional extras
-   Haemo-Master (BV-UFC/COC) – Blood volume regulation with active regulation of the UF-rate and conductivity in the dialysis fluid
-   Blood pressure monitor – continual measurement with a display of the readings trend in the monitor, automatic deactivation of the UF-rate when in the limit area
- Â Kt/V calculation
- Â Filter setting to purify the dialysis fluid
- Â CCS for two concentrate connections
- Â Holder for standard bicarbonate cartridges
- Network – integration of the dialysis system into the clinic network